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Photo Prints

*Click and drag any of the images

2x6 and 4x6 Layout Options

(Included in every rental)

2x6 Photo Strips

$50 to add to any package

4x6 Photo Strips

$100 to add to any package

4x6 Single Photos

2 ways to create perfect photo Prints

Included with every rental

Additional Costs Apply

Select an option above to learn more!


Do it yourself
Use our DIY program to create the perfect prints for your event!

Create your own perfect photo strips in under 5 minutes

  1. Choose a layout
  2. Add text
  3. Upload a logo or monogram
  4. Choose a background
  5. Approve and submit
  6. Receive a design proof

Professionally Designed

Anchor 1
Have our team of designers create a custom photo strip for your event

We Will walk you through the whole process

  1. Get paired with a designer
  2. Describe your colors and theme
  3. Our design team will create a preliminary concept
  4. Three rounds of revisions ensure you get exactly what you want
  5. Once your design is finalized, we program it into your photo booth

Photo Booth

Open Air Photo Booth

Photo Strips

Photo Booth Rental

Photo Booth Printing


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Pixster photo booths is the premiere photo booth rental company in Chicago.  Providing photo booth rentals for weddings, corporate events, and parties for any occasion.  High quality photobooth rentals that are affordable!  Photo Booth rentals in Chicago from Milwaukee to Indianapolis.  Photo Booth rentals in Illinois.  

© 2013-2024 by Pixster Photobooth LLC

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