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Never Fear; Graduation is Here!

Graduation season is already upon us, with many other students expecting the long awaited date so they can take the next step in their lives. Whether it's moving onto the big, wide world of college, or taking one step further from college into the "real world," graduation is full of many complex emotions.

One one hand, the anticipation finally builds up to overwhelming excitement. Everything you've learned in the last four years--academically, intellectually, emotionally, relationally, etc.,--you will take with you as you venture into a place where you will continue to learn and piece together the remainder of your teenage years and dive into your early twenties. Or, maybe you've finally made the steps toward attaining your Bachelor's Degree and now have the opportunity to start over with a fresh, white canvas.

On the other hand, the nervousness, the doubt, the subconscious or not-so-subconscious fears may start to bubble up as the reality of this new part of your life awaits.

"What if I don't like my major?"

"What if I don't like my roommate?"

"What if I can't find the job I really want?"

"What if I'll be stuck in a low-paying, hourly job for the first year after I graduate?"

It's completely natural to ask yourself these questions. After all, you've never experienced college or the "real world" before. The reality of the situation is, you could ask yourself "What if?" for any hypothetical situation. The danger comes when we jump to conclusions of how this life, that you haven't actually experienced yet, will play out. Take this example:

Getting a haircut? What if you HATE how it looks when it's done? The reality? Whether you end up hating it or not, there is always a solution to fix the problem. Here's the danger; "What if I HATE how it looks when it's done? Does that mean that I'll have to shave all my hair off? Oh no, I'll have to wear hats and beanies for MONTHS on end until it grows back. I just won't ever get my haircut, ever again."

Danger, our friends, danger. What is it that makes our mind run to these hypotheticals and the "What ifs?" The bottom line is that it's fear that inhibits us and keeps us from expanding our horizons and from improving our own selves. At Pixster, we're finding that we're graduating as well. We're expanding our business into the Anaheim area, with our sights set on the Long Beach and Los Angeles area. Sure, there are questions that we don't have the answer to. There are situations that we see that would give us cause to jump to conclusions.

But in reality, the excitement of the situation, the prospect of growing our company and providing our services to so many other people who want to celebrate moments in their lives, such as a loved one graduating high school or college, trumps any fear that we hold about the future of our business.

Jim Carrey said it best once, during a commencement speech he gave to the 2014 graduating class of Maharishi University: "So many of us chose our path out of fear disguised as practicality. What we really want seems impossibly out of reach and ridiculous to expect so we never dare to ask the universe for it...You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love."

Instead of focusing on the fear, we choose to look forward to our projections for our photo booth company, as should you! You're experiencing a wonderfully exciting time in your life and we'd love to celebrate along side you and your friends and family.With that, we say:

Congratulations to the class of 2015!

Last Thursday, we celebrated USD's graduation with our open air photo booth at The Wavehouse in Mission Beach. The open air photo booth option is perfect for celebrating your graduation with all your friends and family!

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